Pro-Natalism: A Funnel Based Approach
TFR are falling throughout the world. In the UK, the TFR is somewhere around 1.5. The result of this has been an aging population, because with expanding life expectancied and falling birth rates there are inevitably more old people than young people. So far, the only real solution to this has been immigration. There are a lot of reasons that people object to immagration, and I’m not going to get into most of them, but immigration does not provide a solution to an aging population. This is because the TFRs of other countries are falling too. India has recently dipped below a TFR of 2. If TFRs continue to fall across the formerly less developed world Britain will no longer be able to simply import young people to produce wealth for the ever aging native population. Therefore, the only way to resolve the falling fertility crisis is to boost fertility in developed nations like the UK.
There have been efforts to boost fertility in various counties. Hungary is lauded in right wing circles for its subsidies for families, but they have ultimately failed to stem the ever falling TFR in that country. Generally, solutions to the crisis are based on supporting new families through subsidies for children which are thought to encourage fertility by pushing couples from not wanting a child to wanting one. This is ultimately a mistake.
No doubt there are people who are in stable relationships who want to make a baby but feel they lack the last £500 (or whatever the government gives them) that they need to fund this new child. For them, child benefits are the last push they need to decide to have a child, well done to them.
There is a concept in workplace safety, the name of which I have forgotten, which holds that the more small mistakes are made, the greater the number of lives lost. In other words, for every worker who braises his thumb, 0.0001 workers will die. If you want to fix workplace safety, you should aim to reduce the number of braised thumbs and the number of deaths will probably fall as well. I recall a tweet which applied the same principle to dating. If you want a gf, you should probably increase the number of women you meet, this will in turn increase the number of women who are interested in you, which will increase the number of women who date you, which will increase the number of gfs you have (to one, unless you are a polyamorist). I will be referring to these as ‘funnel theories’ which I think I have stolen from somewhere, but I don’t remember where and I can’t be bothered to google it so I will pretend to have invented the term.
These funnel theories are easy to apply to pro-natalist policies. Rather than increasing the number of stable couples which produce babies, why not increase the number of stable couples that come into existence in the first place? I won’t bore you with the details of how to do this, unless I think it will be funny. Anyway, simply think of what might make a couple get to the point of feeling stable enough to have a child and you have your answer. Cheap housing, jobs for young people and cheap child care are but some of the more sane suggestions.
Others include:
A subsidy for pubs, so more couples can meet
Less entertaining TV, so ppl bang more
Build more houses (lmao, ok this one is kinda silly, but imagine lol)
ban condoms
Make women less stressed, trust me, this will help. Idk how to do it tho.
Give people money when when they get married
I’m too lazy and dumb to come up with any more. But you get the gist. Anyway, have fun and make lots of babies.